Zoom meeting 1: December 2022

Par MAGALI BUISSON, publié le jeudi 15 décembre 2022 17:52 - Mis à jour le mercredi 21 décembre 2022 21:05
French team presents the collaborative activity and students chat in work rooms about the eco building

Sum up of the discussions:


Room 1: Chaïma and M.Sahy report

It would important to use use solar energy and also wind energy as Creta is an island and benefits from regular winds all the year long.

Insulation is also a major element of the building because Creta is a southern region so summer are hot.


Room 2: Amandine and Adam

We talked about putting solar panels on the roof of the houses of the future. The house has to use as less energy as possible in the life of every day and also for the construction. It was said that the house has to be oriented in way to face to the sun for using the solar energy ans for reducing the consomation of the light and heat electricity. We also talked about letting grow plkants on the roof and on the walls to regulate the temperature, mostly in summer and winter.


Room 3:

We exchanged our points of view about the two houses, and we asked ourselves the question of which we preferred to live. We didn't choose one in particular because they both had positives and negatives points.


Room 4: l'esthétique est également à prendre en compte... A house should also be beautiful ...  so people feel well.

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